Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Danger Danger

Danger Will Robinson Danger!!!! I found out today I have to travel for work for an entire week! First problem is its in Detroit Rock City. No offense to my friends in MI but it's cold up there and the roads suck. The other problem is I won't have access to my safe place (my house) for an entire week!

So to give you a peek into what goes through my head when it comes to my anxiety here are some of the thoughts I am having.

#1 We are going to get into a car crash driving up there. I have already seen the car flip over and blacking out due to some sort of injury.

#2 I won't eat. So queue the eating anxiety. (I will go into this some other time) I will have a hard time calming myself so I won't want to eat. Then by not eating I won't be generating the nutrition you need for good brain chemistry and thus pushing me deeper into anxiety fun.

#3 Won't sleep. I am sure I will wake up in the middle of the night gasping for breath. Then my heart will race and I will have trouble getting back to sleep thus not generating the serotonin I need to cope with the next day.

#4 People will think there is something wrong with me cause I might not want to go out for dinner at night.

This is what you call anticipatory anxiety. So how do I counter act these thoughts?

#1 We won't get in a car crash and we won't die. Its a pretty boring drive and if we survive through the construction in Dayton it is smooth sailing.

#2 Bring snacks and try and eat small amounts every hour or two. You are supposed to have 200-300 calories every 2 to 3 hours. This will help keep my brain chemicals at a somewhat sustainable level.

#3 Hit the gym. Walking or some sort of other exercise as long as its at least 15 minutes. This will go a long way to relaxing me as well as helping me sleep.

#4 I don't care what people think. If I am tired or not feeling up to it so be it.

Now I know I make it sound so simple but believe me it will be challenging. I just try and fight my anxiety thoughts with these counter thoughts and hope the counter thoughts win out. I'll let you know how it goes. :)

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