I want to say thank you to everyone who is reading this blog. The fact that people can relate to what I am saying is enough to keep me chugging along and hopefully helping people. Now if you have never had anxiety one of the things I always wanted to do was talk to someone else who was going through or has gone through what I was feeling. There is such a social stigma on anxiety that you don't want people to know because you don't want them to think you are crazy. I know I have told people before and they have no idea what I am talking about and just didn't get it. They don't know how a person could be afraid to get out of bed or that they are scared they are going to die for what are stupid reasons usually.
I just wanted to talk to someone who was going through what I was going through. I wanted tips.. I wanted to know I wasn't crazy! I felt like I could always talk forever about what I was going through because it made me feel better when I did. Luckily my wife was there to support me through this. She can now sense the days where I am anxious and I can always count on her being there for me when I am freaking out. It's really important for people to talk to their significant others to educate them that getting pissed off or frustrated doesn't make it get better. (makes it worse) There is no magic switch to turn off your mind.
The only thing I set out to accomplish is to spread some of the tips that helped me in hopes that it will help other people. I feel like I went about this the hard way and had I had some of the info I blabber about my road might have been easier. So hopefully this will help!
Until tomorrow...
Keep it up man, I really appreciate you sharing this part of your life.